To Be Heard (and Seen)

That's it, that's all we really want; to be heard (and seen).

When I (Lisa) opened and operated The Hub, all I wanted was to be seen and heard for what my real intent was; to inspire people to expand themselves and their abilities. 

So often we open our doors for more than one reason - of course one reason is to pay the bills - but chances are there's real heart inside the action.

A reason to wake up, open the doors, and do the "thing" each and every day. 

It could be to introduce really great food all while giving patrons an experience in our space.

Or maybe it's to create spaces that are cozy, eco-friendly and utilitarian to the way we live.

And possibly, quite very possibly, it's the intention of INSPIRATION, in whatever form it arrives.

No matter the Heart of your business - the spark, the frequency, the WHY - we hear you. We are here to hear you. 

Help us share you story. Let us get curious together and share on the 5G frequencies what you're here for, what you have to offer and where you aspire to be.


We're calling local (High River and area) Chamber Members for podcast interviews!

Book your interview today!

#podcast #tobeheard #stories #thewhy #hrchamber #highriver #business #chamberofcommerce


Canadian Chamber call to action: CHPC committee motion


Call for Nominations to the Board of Directors